Sunday, November 30, 2003

Yesterday it was all about Jazz

Just got back from Karaoke pub with Yoko san and Tomoko san somehwere near Umoninakamichi. Sedikit mindeng, kebanyakan negak bir barusan. But ok, masih bisa bales imel, masih bisa scan tiket *see above*. Yup it was my entrance ticket to Backstage. Yesterday about 7 o'clock aku keluar dari kampus, sumpek di tempat kerja *weekend mas:)* Awalnya nggak ada niat untuk ke Backstage, emang sih few minutes before turned off my comp, aku sempet surfing Fukuoka Bluenote, ternyata yg tampil masih band lokal, tiketnya mahal, jadi mendingan cari makan di luar.

Sempet nelpon Monica, in case dia gak ada acara malem ini. Bad time, dia baru selesai seminar dan capek kalo jalan gak jelas. Pas un-lock sepeda *tring* " kenapa aku gak maen ke backstage saja". Daripada ngelantur gak jelas, mendingan masuk ituh bar. Bisa dengerin live jazz gratis sekalian dinner. Pakean gak malu-maluin juga, untungnya tertutup syal dan sweater. Fukuoka udah mulai dingin akhir-akhir ini. Parkir sepeda di gerbang Utara sebelah Barat *paling deket ke subway (baca:chikatetsu bhs Japan)*. Beli tiket 250 Yen dengan tujuan Akasaka. Seperti biasa, keluar langsung menuju ke Gate 5, exit gate paling panjang dan melelahkan. Pas di exit gate, nengok ke kiri, board warna kuning golkar plus sketsa org negro rambut edi kribo dibawahnya tertulis Backstage udah keliatan dr jarak 20 meteran. Sengaja aku tulis lengkap sebagai petunjuk arah buat mereka yg belum pernah ke backstage *wuah promosi nih, musti dapet fee dari sang owner "otosan, fee kudasai"*.

Celingak celinguk lihat keadaan dalam "masih sepi dan terang benderang". Tak seperti biasanya, oh fyi biasanya gelap dan yg keliatan hanya stage-nya. "ahhh ngapain juga celingak-celinguk, mendingan masuk". Aku sudah punya firasat kalo nih malem bakalan ada yg manggung, bener aja, dicegat sama pegawai yg dengan sigap nyodorin tiket "yon sen en kudasai (baca:4000 yen)". "what the ..." cas cis cus pake bhs Jepang seadanya, ternyata ada special performance dari Mr. Clive from New York. Asli 'gak tau siapa juga Mr. Clive from New York. Keluar bentar untuk meng-analisa worth seeing 'gak nih Mr. Clive. Arghh 'gak ngerti juga dengan kanji, yg aku perhatiin ada 2500 Yen disamping 4000 Yen dengan kanji student *baca:gaksei*. Masuk lagi, memastikan apa betul mahasiswa dapet diskon. "haik haik" langsung deh aku sodorin duit, dapet tiket, terus pilih free drinks. ahaaa "corona desu" tak bisa ke lain hati.

"hmmm sepi" hanya ada 6 kepala di dalam. Short message beberapa temen, in case mereka bisa datang dan nemenin, pheww Rani ada di Beppu, Monica udah cuci kaki dan siap tidur. "yah wiss", nikmatin sendirian saja. "kalo Jazz kan untuk dinikmati, bukan untuk temen ngobrol". Lama kelamaan orang2 berdatangan dan mulai banyak. Jam 8.30 WIJ, lampu dimatikan, 3 org naik ke panggung: satu main organ, satu main drum dan satu lagi pegang gitar. gedabak gedebuk toet toet electric organ ditambah lentingan dung dung tet tet gitaris ala BB King mulai deh dimainkan. "not bad not bad" *belaga jadi pemerhati Jazz*. Selesai lagu pertama, Mr. Clive jalan dari belakang sambil ngeluarin bunyi "getecas getecas bap bap" tanpa mic tapi masih bisa terdengar jernih krn ruangan yg kecil. "buset" sedikit terkesima, aku mulai berguman "wuah calon dengerin sket vocal nih". Mulai pegang mic, bunyi getecas getecas bap bap makin jernih, asli seperti dengerin maestro Al Jerreau. Sesion pertama 4 lagu dikumandangkan, semuanya hampir tak ku kenal, but ok banget. Well itulah satu sisi kenapa aku demen Jazz, aku tak kenal lagunya tapi masih bisa menikmati.

Sesion ke-2 mulai jam 10-an, gendang Africa mulai dipakai mengiringi komposisi Duke Ellington orchestra. Suasana gelap makin membuat asyik suasana, yg terlihat hanya bara rokok dan sesekali kedap-kedip mobil phone *ada c-mail masuk mbak*. Lagu kedua makin familiar, When I fall in Love-nya Nat King Cole dikumandangkan serasa diiringi BB King oleh pemain gitar yg rambutnya kaya tukang isep ganja *rambut diliting ala rastamania*. Aku termangu dagu disangga tangan, lihat permainan gitarnya. Lagu berikutnya mulai cepat: Route 66 ... more than 2000 miles from east to west bla bla bla. Corona ke-2 makin sedikit tersisa, tidak terasa sudah hampir 3 jam aku berada di Backstage. Akhirnya komposisi gacoan keluar, Caravan-nya Duke Ellington. Komposisi paling bagus untuk nyisipin solo performace para pemain musiknya. "yeaaaa .... yeaaa Route 66", akhirnya aku keluar jam 11-an dan di jalan masih aja bersenandung "bap bap bap bap yeaaa route 66", and started realize that Mr. Clive from New York is worth seeing and listening.

Isyo desu (baca:isyo des). Yesterday it was all about Jazz.

Friday, November 21, 2003

Plato, PACARAN, NIKAH dan bis. APA hubungannya yah?

Once upon the time, temen ku nerima forward phylosophy Plato tentang apa bedanya pacaran dengan nikah. Terus dia kirim ke aku, well buat ku sih just passing encounter ... masuk mata keluar lewat mulut. TAPI dia ... dia selalu nginget itu phylosphy kalo lagi mentok urusan jodoh. hahaha iya gak brur! tenang tenang jangan keburu nafsu. Semua orang butuh pelipur lara, well I have to admit kadang aku 'ngeh' dan nyadar ... bener juga yah kata-katanya Plato inih:) INTINYA pacaran nggak ada resiko (kecuali have sex, gak aman, hamil deh!), tapi PERNIKAHAN... pernikahan tuh penuh resiko ... istri lo bau ketek, suka ngupil, suami lo ngorok, and so on ... semuanya bakalan keliatan pas nikah, makenye disebut high risk.

Gue sih penganut pernikahan abadi (mudah-mudahan, Amin), makanya high-risk-nya bintang lima *****. Some of you may say: gampang itu bisa dicari tau pas pacaran, bener ... tapi gua yakin teramat yakin kagak mungkin ketahuan a whole-nya, pasti ada saja yg tersembunyi. Misalnya kalo buat cewe: fertilitas! apa bisa ke cek tuh? padahal some of you insist punya generasi penerus. Kalo buat cowo: perjaka! perokok! peminum! pejudi! ... ya ya ya it was it was tapi someday bisa tereksitasi lagi kan? Mikir ... mikir ... mulai mikir! Kapan nikahnya kalo ginih? "sampai satu sama lain bisa melihat kekurangan menjadi kelebihan" cie cie cie hmmm bisa gituh brur? sama dgn pepatah sunda dong "kalo cinta tai kotok ras coklat" .... asli dari dulu gue gak setuju 'ngerek' tai ke posisi cokelat it's totally different. Aku pikir menjadi diri kita sendiri dan BERANI menunjukan THIS IS ME, itu baru siap NIKAH. Simple tapi bisa ribet kalo diperpanjang lagih.

Hubungannya dengan BIS .... inih aku paste di bawah:

>Love is like waiting for a bus. When the bus
>comes, you look at it and you say to yourself
>" full....cannot sit down, I'll wait for the
>next one."
>So you let the bus go and waited for the second
>bus. Then the second bus came, you looked at it
>you said, "eeee...this bus is so shabby!"
>So you let the bus go and again, decided to wait
>for the next bus.
>After a while another bus came, it's not crowded,
>not old but you said, "eeee...not air conditioned
>...better wait for the next one." So again you
>let the bus go and decided to wait for the next
>Then the sky started to get dark as it was
>getting late. You panicked and jumped immediately
>inside the next bus. It is not until much later that
>you found out that you had boarded the wrong bus!
>And you wasted your time and money just to get
>into the wrong one!
>Even if an air conditioned bus comes, you can't
>ensure that the air conditioned bus won't break
>down or whether or not the airconditioner will
>be too cold for you.
>Wanting to get what you want is not wrong. But it
>wouldn't hurt to give other people a chance. If
>you find that the "bus" doesn't suit you just
>press the red button and get off the bus! Hey, who
>said life is fair??? The best thing to do is be
>observant and open-minded. If it doesn't suit you,
>get off.
>I'm sure you've had this experience before. You
>saw a bus coming (the bus you want of course). You
>flagged it but the driver acted as if he did not
>see you and zoomed pass you! It just wasn't meant
>for you!
>The bottom line is, being loved is like waiting
>for a bus you want. Getting on the bus and
>appreciating the bus by giving it a chance depends
>totally on you. If you haven't made any choice, WALK!
>Walking is like being single. The good side of it
>is you can still choose any bus you want...the
>rest who couldn't afford another ride would just
>have to be content with the bus they rode on, ugly
>or not.
>Also, sometimes it is better to choose a bus you
>are already familiar with rather than to gamble
>with a bus that is unfamiliar to you. But then
>again, life wouldn't be complete without the risks
>But there is one bus that I failed to tell you
>about.- the Bus you do not have to wait for, the
>Bus that will stop on its own and ask you if you
>wish to come inside, then take you for a joy ride
>for the rest of your life.
>Hope you get to ride on that bus! :)
>God said: "Built a better world." I said:"How? The world is such a
>complicated, cold, dark place and there is nothing I can do." But God
>said: "Just build a better you."

Wednesday, November 19, 2003


hmmmmm I suddenly miss my poor substitute at home. Yes it's my diary. Subsidery of my life journey. Since went abroad I became lazy to write except academic paper paper and paper again. What a boring life isn't! Gosss ... I miss to crazy laughing the stupid things I have made, come on! everobody should have that ... and uh I miss to memorize the most romantic moment in my life and play My mega bass SONY with love songs which were compiled by someone unerasable. Pheww... flying with fantasy and memories is more enjoyable than facing the reality.